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Coffee Bar Sales
Sink and internal view of Mobile Coffee Bar   INTERIOR VIEW OF COFFEE BAR

This is the view of the cart from the operator’s perspective looking towards the customer seating area on the left side of the cart. Not including the sink, the operators area is approx 5’(w) x 2’(d)  which is also the size of the refrigerated display case seen at the bottom left of the picture.

Above the counter you can see the POS System and Drip Coffee maker which provides the hot water for the cart.

Below the main counter level is the triple sink with cold running water that is hidden from client view.

On the interior floor the bottled water delivery system, the grey box to the right is the water pump that delivers water to the Sink, Coffee maker and the Cappuccino Machine, the pail is used to catch the waste water and to the left is additional storage.